Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blood cardioplegia delivery

Delivery of cardioplegic (CP) solutions to all regions of the myocardium is critical for optimal myocardial protection during cardiac surgery. However, there are little data regarding the effects of CP agents upon coronary vascular resistance (CVR) and CP delivery. Accordingly, we evaluated blood CP (Hct 30) delivery and CVR during 75 minutes of multi-dose hypothermic blood CP arrest in an in vivo isolated dog heart preparation. Three groups of dogs were studied: K(K+ = 30 mEq/L; n = 6), L (Lidocaine = 400 mg/L; K+ = 4 mEq/L; n = 6), and KL (K+ = 30 mEq/L, Lidocaine 400 mg/L; n = 6) during total cardiopulmonary bypass and moderate systemic hypothermia (28 C). Basal CVR was calculated by measuring total coronary flow (HR 120/min; mean aortic pressure = 80 mmHg) in the empty beating heart. After aortic cross-clamping, the blood CP solution was infused into the aortic root at a constant pressure (80 mmHg) and constant temperature (16 +/- 2 C) for 60 seconds at 15 minute intervals for a total arrest time of 75 min. Total CP flow, CVR, O2 consumption, lactate extraction/production, and K+ balance during 75 minutes of arrest and 30 minutes of reperfusion were determined. The distribution of the CP solution in the left ventricle was measured with radioactive microspheres (9 +/- 1 mu). Biopsy specimens were taken to measure wet to dry ratios. Values are mean +/- SEM. Data were analyzed by BMDP-P2V. During the first CP infusion, after aortic cross-clamping, no differences in CVR or CP distribution were found among the three groups. However, CVR was increased significantly in the K group during the second CP infusion (O': 0.98 +/- 0.20 mmHg/ml/min/100 g; 15': 2.66 +/- 0.82; p less than 0.001). The CVR remained high for the remainder of the arrest period. Moreover, total, epi- and endocardial flow decreased significantly (54%, p less than 0.001). In groups L and KL, no significant changes in CVR were seen. Groups K and KL showed a significant K+ extraction during the first CP infusion. During the early reperfusion period, K+ washout occurred in these two groups, which was not seen in the L group. There was no significant difference between the three groups in myocardial O2 consumption, lactate metabolism, and water content during the arrest and the reperfusion period. In conclusion, high concentrations of K+ (30 mEq/L) can markedly increase CVR and impair blood CP delivery and distribution. These effects can be prevented by lidocaine. These findings warrant reassessment of the various additives to CP solutions and their effects on CVR and CP distribution during multi-dose hypothermic CP arrest.
Posted by Naz Blood Donors & Public Welfare Organization

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